Donald Trump wins election to the White House (Photo: Twitter)
By an unprecedented margin, evangelical Christians voted to deliver the White House to President-elect Donald J. Trump.

The result shocked a once-confident progressive establishment and has led to furious debates in the establishment media about the future of American Christianity.
But one of the most vocal pro-Trump pastors says the explanation is simple – God answered America’s prayers.
“The church” is the force behind Trump’s victory, according to Pastor Carl Gallups, the author of “When the Lion Roars” and a longtime backer of the new president-elect. Gallups sees nothing less than divine intervention as the explanation for Trump’s victory.
“Once again, we have been miraculously touched and spared by God’s gracious hand,” Gallups stated on his Facebook page. “Remember the miraculous accounts of the Revolutionary War? Well, my brothers and sisters, YOU have just LIVED those same kinds of miraculous interventions. This is the stuff of history. This is the stuff of Heaven.”
Gallups isn’t alone in saying the victory belongs to God. Christian apologist and commentator Michael Brown, author of “Outlasting The Gay Revolution,” bluntly declared in his most recent column “divine intervention” is the explanation for Trump’s victory.
Joseph Farah wrote, “I like to think God smiled on America.”
And some reports indicate the tide turned for Trump at the very moment when a massive global prayer effort began.
An astonishing 81 percent of white evangelicals supported Trump, compared to only 16 percent who did not, exceeding even the 78-21 split for George W. Bush in 2004. The result was especially shocking because of widespread media reports of opposition to Trump from certain evangelicals, including students at Liberty University and Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethnics and Religious Liberty Commission. In retrospect, establisment media reports about a “crisis” of the so-called religious right appear to have been massively overstated.
Gallups says Christians voted, prayed and worked for Trump because they knew the power structure was against them and they needed a respite to rebuild their community and the larger culture.
“Many evangelical leaders got deeply involved in this movement, “It was not because we thought Trump would save us but because we knew we had to have some relief – some breathing room. Trump picked an evangelical VP. He surrounded himself with great faith leaders and evangelical pastors and spokespeople.
“Many of us were continually pleading in every media source we had available for Christians to please engage, vote, and help us. We needed to get from underneath the repression and the systematic targeting of Christians which characterized the Obama regime.”
Now that Trump is preparing to assume office, Gallups is urging him not forget those who got him there.
“He owes us the keeping of his word – to the very best of his ability to do so,” he said. “He spoke to the heart of America as a whole and specifically to the evangelical Christian community, which was largely responsible for putting him in office. I realize he will encounter much resistance along the way. But, Trump is a fighter, a winner, a driven man. I believe he will work hard to keep his promises.
“Specifically important to me are the promises of: the elimination of Obamacare, the destruction of Roe v. Wade, the return of the rule of law, the enforcing of our border and immigration laws, the defeat of those who wish to destroy us, the rebuilding of America’s defensive structure and military, and a return to a solid respect and upholding of our basic constitutional rights and Judeo-Christian national heritage. I believe President Trump will do his best to keep his promise in each of these eternally significant areas. We shall see.”
Gallups said Christians need to be especially active in holding Trump’s “feet to the fire” and keeping him accountable.
However, the pastor said believers should not see the rise of Trump and Republican control over the federal government as a victory in and of itself. Instead, he explained, GOP control simply provides an opportunity for Christians to start reclaiming the culture through their own efforts.
“If President Trump is faithful to his word, he will put an end to the blatant targeting of the Christian faith and Christian organizations and ministries,” Gallups said. “If he does this, then we can ‘Make The Church Great Again’ in America! This is my fervent prayer. This is my continued ministry goal. The Lord has answered our prayers, given us some breathing room and now it is up to us to be faithful to what we the church promised the Creator of the Universe.”


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