Sex and Marriage

Sex and Marriage

Sex and marriage have a divine origin from God. Sex is God's idea.
You cannot talk about sex and not mention God or bring God in but society as so much redefine it that the so called christians as abandon the topic to the world and always be spiritual about it.
This is a sex-crazed society. When we think seriously about living as Christians in this world, we have to address the sex issue.What does it mean to be in the world, but not of it?

To say that sex is a hot topic is to state the obvious. Helmut Thielicke, the German theologian, wrote, “He who no longer knows what man is, also cannot know what it is on which his peculiarity as a sexual being is based.” Modern attitudes fail at this point. We need the Christian view. 

If we're going to understand our sexuality, we're going to have to understand our humanity. If were going to understand our humanity we going to have to understand the uniqueness of our creation by God.  If we get humanity wrong, we'll get sexuality wrong. A senior Pastor said that sex are drives by chemicals in the body and that as christians we must activate our advance emergence break system through the help of the holy spirit.

In the message A Christian View of Sex, by Stuart Briscoe, he highlights the following key points in the Bible's teaching about sex.
Sex is a divine idea. In the beginning God created male and female. We are here because of a divine initiative. That being the case we must factor in our relationship to Him.  We must ask, "What did He have in mind when he created me?" We are spiritual beings in the sense that we are created by God, for God, accountable to God.

Sex is a human problem. We are created as relational beings. Sexuality is a part of that relationship. There is a unique relationship between man and wife that involves God joining them together. It is to be expressed in ever deepening intimacy which includes sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is God's good gift to humanity and is to be the pinnacle of the relationship between a man and his wife. 

Sex is a Christian distinctive. Sexual purity is an undeniable factor of Christian living. Sexual Immorality is sexual activity divorced from marital commitment. Scripture says there shouldn't even be a hint of it in the Christian community. We are not living spiritually before the Lord if we are leading an immoral life. What this means is that there's a call for discipline in the power of God's grace and a willingness to make the kind of commitments that would legitimize the fulfillment of sexual desire within the confines of marriage.

What Scripture teaches and what our society accepts as normative aren't even close. Which drum are we marching to? Are we in the world and not of it and sent to it? That is the basis of God's best.

Point to Ponder: Secular standards of sexual behavior differ dramatically from biblical standards. How does the believer behave in such an environment?

The Lord will help us and give us the grace to overcome in Jesus name Amen.

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Sex and Marriage Sex and Marriage Reviewed by Imafidon Samuel Jr. on 12:15 Rating: 5

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